General Program
For the house league player, offering comprehensive instruction on all basic hockey skills and team play. This program will teach the fundamental skills that will provide the self-confidence needed to enjoy the game of hockey. DID YOU KNOW?... TWO WEEKS AT HOCKEY CAMPS INTERNATIONAL PROVIDES MORE ICE TIME TO A PLAYER THEN MOST HOUSE LEAGUE PROGRAMS IN CANADA DO IN A YEAR!
Location: Thornhill Community Centre(Bayview & John)
House League Level - Ages 6 to 9 (2019,18,17,16)
August 11-15, August 18-22, August 25-29.
House League Level - Ages 10 to 13 (2015,14,13,12)
August 11-15, August 18-22, August 25-29
House League Level - Ages 13 to 15 (2012,11,10,09)
August 11-16, August 18-22, August 25-29
Cost for all above programs is $520/wk. + HST. Payments will be accepted by etransfer to or cheque/cash.