Advanced Program
For “A” to “AAA”, this Program is designed to provide advanced teaching methods for all the fundamental skills and team play situations. Low instructor to student ratio guarantees participants will improve in all areas of the game. This program will provide you with the preparation, fitness and self-confidence needed to maximize your potential.
Location: Thornhill Community Centre (Bayview & John)
Rep A,AA,AAA - Ages 6 to 9 (2019,18,17,16):
AUGUST 11-15, AUGUST 18-22, AUGUST 25-29, COST = $520/wk.+HST
Rep A,AA,AAA - Ages 10 to 13 (2015,14,13,12)
AUGUST 11-15, AUGUST 18-22, AUGUST 25-29. COST = $520/wk.+HST
Rep A,AA,AAA - Ages 10 to 13 GIRLS PROGRAMS:
AUGUST 18-22, AUGUST 25-29. COST = $520/wk. + HST
Rep A,AA,AAA - Ages 13 to 16 (2011,10,09,08)
AUGUST 18-22. COST = $520/wk. + HST

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